Some of my very favorite brewers are on this list, so check them out. And several of these were Christmas gifts, so a big thank you to my parents, Hilary, and Kelly. You knew just what I wanted... beer!
Abita Restoration Pale AleBottle -- Gordon's, Walthambrewed to help rebuild new orleans. light gold and so translucent that you can see every suspended particle... sweet aroma of caramel malts and white grapes... flavor is spicy, but mostly skunked malts. as much as i wanted to, i did not enjoy this beer.
Score: 2Allagash Dubbel Reserve750 ml -- Gordon's, Walthami can't believe that i haven't reviewed this beer yet! shocking. pours mahogany into my snifter with long oily legs. aroma is yeasty and fruity while flavor is cherries and some soft toffee malts. mouthfeel is kind of chalky, but still a great beer.
Score: 8Allagash Interlude750 ml -- Mainea belgian strong pale ale. copper-orange in color with a lot of carbonation. aroma is very interesting: grapes, candy sugar, vinegar, dog (yes, i said, dog), and more than anything else, red wine. yeast, tart apples, some hops and alcohol registered on my taste buds. i actually found the taste to be pretty disappointing after such a good start. like i said, this is a lively beer, to the point that it has champagne like qualities. this has been up near the top of my list for a while so thanks to my parents and kelly for two bottles of this delicious beer!
Score: 7Dogfish Head Chicory StoutBottle -- Mainechicory registered in the aroma (alongside coffee and chocolate), but nowhere else by my count. some smoke and pepper in flavor, but otherwise a pretty standard coffee stout. mouthfeel is a little thin and very astringent. i was expecting something a little more interesting.
Score: 7
Dogfish Head Raison D'ExtraBottle -- Luke's, Rocklandmuddled, ruby-maroon... aroma is sweet raisins and alcohol... taste is dark fruit of cough syrup... abrassive, acidic mouthfeel. i can only recommend this beer if you are looking for a beer that is far too strong...
Score: 5Ipswich Winter AleBottle -- Gordon's, Walthammost of you are aware by now, but one-dimensional, heavy malt beers are not my favorite. so while i try not to let styles dominate scores too much, i find it hard to give a high score to a beer that is so bland, even if it is a solid example of the style. anyways, this beer is a 3 in my book but it isn't an
especially badly brewed winter. malts are a little skunky, but otherwise it is what you would expect.
Score: 3North Coast Old Stock AleBottle -- Mainereddish-brown... raisins and booze on nose... big malt flavor, candy sugar, some tingling hops, and sherry, which is a new sensation for me... already smooth, so aging will only only mellow some of these big flavors. a great beer, but not cheap.
Score: 9Oak Pond Dooryard AleTap -- The Grainery, Farmington, ME the grainery is a very nice restaurant in little farmington, maine, so i was very impressed to see they had 8 interesting beers on tap. the unfortunate part was that this was mislabeled as a pilsner when it is actually a pale ale. i had a feeling from the start it was mislabeled since the color is a dark golden. the taste is mostly sweet malts but nothing really stands out otherwise.
Score: 5
Sam Adams Chocolate Bock
750 ml -- Gordon's, Waltham
fancy bottle and slickly marketed by sam, so i had a feeling it would be expensive, but i was still shocked to see $25 ring up on the register. simply outrageous. i opened it on new years as a special occassion, but it was far too heavy and really slowed us down. some chocolate does come through in aroma, but not the taste. some unusual tastes do come through, like vanilla and sweet figs, rather than the traditional layers of malts. absolutely not worth the money.
Score: 3
Sierra Nevada Brown AleTap -- Stoneforge Grille, Eastonnow i don't like to get too nit-picky about serving temperatures, but i think my tongue became frostbitten by this one -- just absurd. an hour later though i really enjoyed it. toasty, nutty malts... i find brown's to be rather uninspiring, but this is as tasty a version of the style as you will find.
Score: 8 My favorite:Allagash Curieux750 ml -- Mainean abbey tripel. first impression: what a head on this one! thick, white head with heavy lacing on my oversized-wine glass. analyzing the aroma took me a minute, but it really is brandy, oak, vanilla, and fresh malts... just as advertised! you do taste the alcohol, but it is worked in pretty well considering its 11% abv. sweet dry finish with oily texture. very nice.
Score: 9