Arcadia IPA
Bottle -- Supreme Liquors, Quincy
an english ipa. ridiculous head, overly carbonated. mild malt aroma. malty, with a little closing bitterness. honestly, i haven't had too many english ipa's, but the hops seemed to fall kind of flat. i doubt that is what the style is all about.
Score: 5
Arcadia Scotch Ale
Bottle -- Supreme Liquors, Quincy
unusually dark. sweet malts capture nose and a little spice. not a bad taste, but a little muddled: bready, spiced, molasses. medium bodied, very lively in mouth. but a pretty dull wee heavy.
Score: 4
Avery Ale to the Chief
750 ml -- Luke's Liquors, Rockland
an imperial ipa. dan and i ordered this at a new british beer company bar in natick, only to be served a different avery beer without being told they were out of ale to the chief! a mortal sin. but anyways, i am glad i finally did get to try this one. lots of fruit and malty sweetness. quite bitter, but manageable for a double ipa. the best imperial ipa i can remember.
Score: 9
Cisco Moor Porter
750 ml -- Cork's Fine Wine & Liquors, Mansfield
Avery Ale to the Chief
750 ml -- Luke's Liquors, Rockland
an imperial ipa. dan and i ordered this at a new british beer company bar in natick, only to be served a different avery beer without being told they were out of ale to the chief! a mortal sin. but anyways, i am glad i finally did get to try this one. lots of fruit and malty sweetness. quite bitter, but manageable for a double ipa. the best imperial ipa i can remember.
Score: 9
Cisco Moor Porter
750 ml -- Cork's Fine Wine & Liquors, Mansfield
very dark and frothy -- no light escapes here at all. smell of molasses and alcohol. harsh, spicy taste at first... think bugspray. it mellows though, to a slightly sour, chocolatey brew. mouthfeel is very lively/fizzy, kind of acidic, yet creamy and smooth. interesting, but i don't know that i would search it out.
Score: 6
Left Hand Black Jack Porter
Bottle -- Kappy's, Malden
odd aroma of cola, molasses, and cocoa powder. sharp java flavor. a little watery. this makes me think i may have overestimated left hand brewing...
Score: 4
Legacy Hedonism Ale
Tap -- British Beer Company, Framingham
Tap -- British Beer Company, Framingham
reddish-amber hue... aroma of piney hops and fruit... malt taste is quickly overtaken by lingering, almost spicy, hops. not bad at all. points for a unique name too.
Score: 7
Rogue Brutal Bitter
750 ml -- Luke's Liquors, Rockland
a very dry bitterness... hops are mostly grassy in nature... quite light. not bad, but another overrated rogue beer in my opinion.
Score: 5
Score: 5
Stone 12th Anniversary Bitter Chocolate Oatmeal Stout
750 ml -- Cork's Fine Wine & Liquors, Mansfield
first off, what an awesome sounding beer: bitter... chocolate... oatmeal! i love all of those things! at 9.2% abv, this almost drinks like an imperial stout. chocolate in aroma is overwhelmed by alcohol. it is bitter (more from bitter chocolate than bitter hops i think), but again alcohol defines flavor. beer definitely changes as it warms; you can really drink it at room temp.
Score: 8
Bottle -- Supreme Liquors, Quincy
glowing amber-orange in color with nice, thick head... pungent hop aroma, but appealing, don't get me wrong... hops emerge as fruity in taste: grapefruit and citrus mainly... 10% abv blends in nicely... sticky mouthfeel, and surpringly heavy... very good.
Score: 8
Victory Baltic Thunder
750 ml -- Gordon's, Waltham
thick aroma: molasses, fruity overtones, and a general sourness. contrastingly, the taste is sweet, roasty, with dark fruit flavors. my first baltic porter and i liked it very much.
Score: 9